To fix it, wait for quite a while so the map can finish loading, then press Escape twice. Everything actually loads and runs OK, but you just see a blank screen. It's also possible that it's a weird Half-Life bug that only seems to effect a few people. this happens the first time you run a particular map, and can make it seem as if Half-Life has frozen permanently. Q: My screen freezes when trying to start a Sven Co-opĪ: It's most likely that the Node Graph is being build. If this fails to fix your problem, it could possibly be from your virus scanner. To force Steam to update, delete the Clientregistry.blob file in your Steam folder and restart your application. If you restarted Steam and it still won't load, check to make sure that all of your files in your SvenCoop folder are not set to be read only and that Steam is properly updated.
Q: I get the Error: 'This game is currently unavailable' when connectingĪ: Very common, and can unfortunately be any number of things, I'm afraid.